Thursday 20 April 2017

Intermission - Esperance and Lucky Bay

Hi All.

We're down here in Lucky Bay without reception so big blog updates not until after ANZAC Day at this stage. Maybe a few pics to the Facebook page when we pass through areas of reception.

Hang in there as they'll be rippers.


  1. Matt/Bwti, You could always try the library at any town you're at as they may well have free wi-fi. Missing your blogs!! Will be like the buses, wait 3 days then 3 or 4 come along together!! Love to all
    Nain a Tadcu

  2. It's like you've entered a time warp over there where the east coast and internet don't exist..................hahahahahahahahaha

    I know just too busy having a fat time of it all.

    Enjoy it as much as you can.

    Cheers JS4910

    1. Yep... it's a different world over here.
