Tuesday 11 July 2017

Where's the blog?

I'm still here... somewhere...

Some of the 'regular' readers might be wondering where the blog has gone? Has Matt gone AWOL? Disillusioned? Or just plain lazy?

To be honest, it's a little bit of all of them and a whole lot more.

The blog is still, and will always be a work in progress.

I'm working on some stuff in the background so there will be times when a whole lot of updates come along.

But I reckon the biggest impact of late will have been the two fold...

a) Catching up with friends and family regularly over the past fortnight or so. We've been catching the Butchers regularly and quite often this has led to a few beers here and there, which eats in to the evening which is "blog" time. Meeting the McGuirks on the road a few times has had the same effect. And just when I thought we'd hit the 'city' in Broome for some quality reception, my folks go and drop in on us... How dare they?

b) The McGuirks have given us the Game of Thrones DVD sets, and if we're honest, we're binge watching our way through these once the kids are in bed (headphones on of course). This too eats in to blog time.

So convenient excuses they are, but I think it's more than that too.

Looking over the blog of late I notice it's becoming a bit like a large Facebook update, which is great, but not really what I hoped. I want this blog to be a place where I come to look back on the smaller memories as much as the bigger ones. The bits where I recall the weird minor anecdotes or perhaps the emotions I'm feeling at the time. Things that don't really come across in photos yet make up a critical part of life on the road.

So if that means it takes a little longer then so be it.

So yes, I'm very much still committed to this page and with our friends and family about to take off, I think we're on the road, just the Marshians again for the next few weeks at least. Maybe I'll be able to catch up.

But really, I think I might evolve the blog a bit more. I might focus on the different facets of life on the road.

We'll see how I go.


  1. Please give us more, Matt. Having no blogs is like losing an old friend. If you give up on the blogs, you'll regret it in your old age (50+!! :)
    All booked up for Sept/Oct.
    Love to all, Nain & Tadcu. And Pop, 101 Years not out last week.

  2. I know exactly what you are saying, I too started a blog on my travels and lasted till down the west coast of Australia. Once i got behind it was very difficult to catch up. Hmm I never did get around to finishing it so i must still be on holidays somewhere around the Coral Coast!

  3. I too hear you pain Matt. Only a fellow, travel weary, long term travel blogger can fully appreciate the hidden toll a active blog can take on you soul ..... and your sanity

  4. All cool here, just means your busy enjoying life which is what it's all about....
