Sunday 1 January 2017

In the beginning...


So it's 2017 so we can officially launch this Blog. I've been waiting until the New Year as I feel it's the turning of a page of sorts, wanting to wrap up "life as we know it" and focus on "life as we don't know it".

The blog's title is a twist on my favourite Dr Suess book, "Oh The Places You'll Go". Unsuprisingly that blog address was unavailable, so this was a nice little tweak. For those who don't know the book (and your life isn't complete until you do) it is a book I love reading to the kids for the messages it contains. It's go messages of empowerment, inspiration, confidence and adventures. It's about taking chances and following your heart. But also about the tough times, slumps and lurches. It perfectly aligns with the messages we want to pass on to our kids and supports what we are trying to achieve with our upcoming adventure.

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself any direction you choose.
You're on your own.
And you know what you know.
And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...
Dr Suess

Our adventure (and not a holiday as some call it) is a 9 month sojourn away from our normal town of residence in Bacchus Marsh (you'll hear us refer to ourselves as Marshians) and hitting the road to explore this vast and diverse land of ours.

How far will we go? Where will we get to? Who knows...  But I'm sure it'll be exciting, enriching and hopefully entertaining enough (from a blog point of view if nothing else) to make it worth the effort.

Now the countdown to departure is on....

“It's opener, out there, in the wide, open air.”

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