Sunday 14 May 2017

039 - Busselton (5/5/17)

The rain, which had disappeared yesterday had returned as drizzle.

I awoke to essentially an empty van as the family had taken off to the pool.

“It’s heated Dad. It’s heated!!!”
“Knock yourself out guys”

But to be honest, the laughter and fun I could hear however won me over in the end and I joined them in the pool. It was actually quite nice swimming in the cold rain with steam coming off the water. And great fun swimming, throwing the kids around.

"I can see the van from here!'

Moo not quite getting the same trajectory as Sam. Weight might have something to do with it...

Just a little one for James towards the shallow end...

This guy kept to the cold pool... can't understand why. Not sure how far I could have thrown him.

There we stayed for an hour or so before breakfast tummies required filling. And then, yep… we had to brave the cold to get out. Thankfully by then, the drizzle had at least ceased.

Today was a little more relaxed than yesterday. A bit of school time for the kids with James and I heading in to do a bit of shopping, stocking up and finding the letter ‘F’.

Afterwards, on recommendation from the man in BCF (there’s an big F in BCF as James pointed out…) we headed out for an afternoon fish at Castle Rock near Dunsborough where apparently the “salmon were going off mate!”

B and the big kids went one way down the beach and James and I took off towards the other end. Not sure what the others were doing, but James and I were soon joined by multitudes of people in different states of excitement about the “salmon going off”. Some jumped around saying “there they are” whilst others wandered past. Personally, I couldn’t see anything, but figured if we were where/near others, then hey… we might get lucky.

I did manage a good size herring in the 45min we were there, which was pretty much more than anyone else but nothing more really. Later we learnt that a couple of huge tiger sharks were spotted just offshore via a drone (which we did see) which explained why most people apparently saw the salmon heading “up around the point mate”.

James and I were happy just spinning where we were though. I tend not to want to bound endlessly across wet rocks with my five year old. I tend to prefer to take him up hills in the dark…

The others soon joined us and we all headed back after James lost his “lucky lure” which had brought him a grand total of zero fish. We just picked it up at BCF that day out of bargain bin so it was his ‘special’ one. I told him there were plenty more where they came from and off we trundled.

"Nearly had him Dad. They must like my lucky lure!"

Apparently these guys went rock hopping a bit.

Took this shot as we left. Would have looked much better when we arrived, sans shadow. Still, James and I went left to the rocks, the others right down the beach.

So a nice quiet day, nothing too flash. One where not all the petrol in the tank needed to be used.

EDIT: It was completely remiss of me, but I've remembered as I begin tomorrow's post, but who should be parking as we were just getting back from fishing? Joe and Teresa! We hadn't even worded them up about the park, but I feel they must have been missing the noise and company!! Another beautiful surprise and, once again over a few drinks and a "one move win" by yours truly at Rummykub, the next days plans were decided.


  1. Very cold mornings here but beautiful days around 18c. No swimming though!

  2. Sounds similar, except we've dodged the really cold mornings now we've headed a little north.
