Saturday 15 April 2017

018 - Fraser Range to Kalgoorlie

We decided to depart Fraser Range and head for Kalgoorlie a day earlier than orginally planned. In desperate need of a decent place to do some washing and get in touch with the outside world (thanks for nothing Telechoice...) we pushed on.

We're developing quite the routine now with our hook ups and set downs, and slowly I think everyone is adopting roles.

Matt: Outside stuff
B: Inside stuff
Sam: A-frame stuff (i.e. chains, andersen plugs, jockey wheels, stone stomper) and table and benches
Evie: Foam mats and caravan legs
James: Hoses and cords

Well, at least it's working for now and I reckon at a push we could have it down to 20min if we haven't unpacked much. Possibly 15min if the kids didn't help... :)

So off we set, with a nice run down hill from Fraser Range to Norseman before turning right and heading up to Kalgoorlie via Kambalda.

Not much to add for today other than a couple of short bullet points:

  • Watch for the turn at Kambalda. We nearly took a turn into one of the mines there which I'm sure would have pleased absolutely no one.
  • The "bronze gums" look cool. Not sure what variant of gum they are, but I've never seen them before, Trunks looked spray painted.
  • Ensuite sites are excellent if you are carrying your own washing machine. We just put ours in the shower out of sight and churned it away. It's already paid for itself.
So a quiet addition today as we focussed more on relocation and domestic duties. Tomorrow is Superpit day though!!!

It can't be glamorous all the time can it?

These were literally the 3 pics we took today...

The kids, after helping with the washing, earnt some time in the pool. But seemed more fascinated with the chain wire security boom gate.

B found this on her phone... classic.

And yep... this was it. 8 in the little washing machine, 1 in the big park machine for my jumpers.


  1. Generally underestimated and dismissed as a bit of a joke, or a toy, those little washing machines punch well above their weight

  2. we got our money back after a few trips with the little machines.

    Still way jealous mate

    Bye Dave Mc
